Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tiiiiimmmeee is(n't) on my side....

Lordy, I can't believe I haven't posted in over a week now. I have been so dang busy with work and Dr. appointments and taking care of hubby, that the time is a-flyin' by....

Quickie foot update, then I'll get to the cool Meme that Harmony tagged me for.
I *think* it might be getting better. Last night when I changed the dressing, I wasn't as horrified as I've been, and I'm hoping that it's not because I am getting used to seeing it. Hubby is now on Cipro, which is the hardest-hitting antibiotic there is. The Dr. and I still don't think the wound is infected, but he took a culture on Friday just to be safe, we'll find out the results today. Poor hubby had to have it debrided (scraped out) on Friday evening, he had an appointment at 11:30, and the Dr. took one look and said, "Come back at 5:00 and make sure you take a few pain pills!" Oh, man. Anyway, he got his cast changed and the wound treated and it was pretty bad, but not agonizing this time. He is very brave. Especially since he is so afraid of Dr.s and needles. Anyway, we go see the Dr. tomorrow and get the verdict on if he has to go back into the hospital for a debridement under anesthesia! I am so hoping he won't have to. He went back to work yesterday, which created a whole new set of stuff I had to figure out and do. His wheelchair is extra large, made of very strong steel and very heavy (about 100 lbs). I have to put it in the back of our (giant, lifted) truck by myself, then get it out again to wheel him up the (long, steep) ramp to his work. It takes forever and I am exhausted by the time I finally get to work. Last night I went grocery shopping and left there with two carts of groceries that I had to load in the truck, unload at home and put away all by myself... after being at the store for almost 2 hours. There are a ton of little things that I have to do now, in addition to everything I did before. Showering is a nightmare. Laundry has tripled. I am awake 4-5 times a night for his various needs. So yes, I will be so glad when hubby is all better... mainly for him and his new life, but also (finally admitting it here) so I can have some help. I'm getting worn out!
I had no idea this post was going to go in this direction. I feel kinda bad, but it is what it is, I guess. I probably should just do my Meme tomorrow!

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Wow...that sounds like a lot!!! Don't worry about admitting defeat (sort of) that's what the blogosphere is for...people getting shit out...and letting other people read it..I don't know why, but it works...right? I pray for a speedier recovery, and do hope with all my hopes that he does not have an infection. *fingers crossed* and of course lots of love!!!