Monday, September 29, 2008

All puffed up with pride!

Gotta say that I am so proud of my "boyfriend" Luis Castillo! Man oh man, did he put that Charger game away yesterday! Sure, LaDanian made the winning touchdown, but Luis set it up with his awesome defensive play before it! I was yelling my head off. Stinkin' Raiders deserved it...LOL.
Not so happy with my Cowboys. I can not believe they lost to the Redskins, of all teams. Made me mad. Grrrrr.
Thanks Harmony for caring and being my friend. I will post a foot update for sure. It's actually looking a bit better, I think. Without going into yukky details, it appears to be healing over... we'll get the official word today. The only thing is the Keflex antibiotic is making him horribly dizzy, which I never knew was a side-effect. Maybe we can change to something else. He was actually due to start work again this week, but that ain't happening! Good thing our re-fi went through and we don't have a house payment until Nov. 1st! I thought we could put the money we'd be paying this month in savings, but oh well, at least we won't be screwed from him missing work this week. Gotta look on the bright side!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The good: I have been working on getting our house re-financed since February. I have been through 2 loan companies and 5 loan agents. It has been a nightmare, to the point that one of the two guys I've been working with the most said, "They really need to write a screenplay about this loan!!". I agree. The whole ordeal is a ridiculously long post in itself. I'll spare you the details (for today, anyway!). {{Que fanfare}} WE ARE SIGNING CLOSING DOCS THIS AFTERNOON!!! Woo hoo! I can't tell you how happy I am that this is finally over. We are getting a great interest rate, fixed 30-year, and it's FHA. We'll save a couple hundred a month, and the first payment is due Nov. 1st. I am SO glad I stuck with it. I have to give major huge props and hugs to my main guys who got me through it... Jake Schering and Spencer Erickson at Quicken Loans. All I can say is, if you ever need a loan, Quicken is the company and these guys are the very best. I'm so grateful for their help.

The bad: I'm not feeling well today. I am super tired and cranky. I guess everything is catching up with me? See below...

The ugly: Hubby's foot. The Dr. took his cast off Monday. There is a huge, deep, pressure ulcer on one side of his foot, just above the incision. He had to dig the staples out and clean the sore (ulcer) which caused hubby terrible pain. I have never been so horrified in my life. He was almost screaming, and he has a very high tolerance for pain. I have a strong stomach when it comes to surgery and wounds, but I guess it's different when it's someone you love more than anything. I didn't know whether to cry, throw up, or hit the Doctor! The incision on the other side of his foot and the one on his heel looked perfect and the staples came out without too much trouble, but I was completely unprepared for this to happen. Anyway, after traumatizing both of us for 25 minutes, the Dr. put some ointment, a soft bandage and wrap on the area and told us to come back Wednesday (yesterday). The Dr. had taken off the wrap and was putting a new cast on when I got there, and cut a window in the cast to relieve pressure and to be able to treat the area. I have to change the gauze packing every day and cover it. The Dr. says it will heal no problem, and that sometimes this happens, but I am still really upset about it. It looks terrible, and I am just SO MAD that he has to go through this! We are going in for a re-check on Monday. I hope he says it looks better.

Friday, September 19, 2008


I've decided to list every crush (that I can remember) I've ever had in my life... but only people you may have heard of. I feel like it's just time for one of my silly posts... so here goes!

Andy Williams- I was very, very young.
Merrill Osmond
Tony DeFranco
Wolfie from the Groovy Ghoulies (cartoon)
Captain Kool from the Kroft Super Show
Quickdraw McGraw (cartoon)
Dan Haggarty (Grizzly Adams)
Kenny Rogers
Franco Harris (Running Back for the Steelers)
**all three previous guys had beards, and it was around the same time in my life... probably between 8 and 10 years old**
Danny White (Quarterback for the Cowboys)
Donny York (Sha-na-na)
Bill Murray (early SNL days)
John Taylor (Duran Duran)
Dean Butler (Almanzo Wilder from Little House on the Praire... I met him my Jr. year in High School and he was dreamy! Tall, gorgeous, a great hugger and smelled SO good... I was a goner)
Robert Smith (The Cure)
Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
Kurt Russell
Troy Aikman (Quarterback for the Cowboys)
Steve Young (Quarterback for the '49rs)
William Peterson (Gil Grissom from CSI)
Colin Farrell

And my current red-hot crush (pant pant pant)....
Luis Castillo!!! He's a Defensive Tackle for the Chargers and I've been into this guy since the first time I saw him, his rookie year. That was 2 years ago, and yes, he is (almost) young enough to be my son... but I DON'T CARE! He is gorgeous, sweet, intelligent, and a great player. I get weak in the knees just thinking about him! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Onward and upwards

I can see the surface of the water as I'm floating with the bubbles up to it.
That describes my life right now perfectly. Good things are happening here and there, and am I glad!

First and foremost, hubby is recouperating well from his surgery. He ended up staying at the hospital 3 extra days, because they were having a hard time getting his pain under control. They finally found the winning combo of drugs, and amazingly enough, now that he's home he's hardly had to take any pain pills! The hospital was great, our main nurse was an angel... she arranged to have a hospital bed brought in the room for me, and three meals a day when hubby got his. I couldn't believe it. I guess they saw that I wasn't going to leave his side, and I was actually a help to the nurses with my medical background. Anyway, he is getting around home with a wheel chair and crutches. The Dr. was so impressed with how well he is healing that he put a cast on it 4 days post-op, instead of 3 weeks post-op! That was a big improvement, believe me. I was having multiple heart attacks worrying about bumping his foot while it had the soft wraps on it. So we are getting through this. He has his good days and tired/sick days. I was off work with him all last week so we could get in a routine, and now I'm back at work... not happy about that really, but I have no choice.

Second good thing, stepdaughter left the weekend hubby was in the hospital. We came home to a quiet house that my sister-in-law (bless her heart) had cleaned up the best she could for me. I truly think I'd be in a straight-jacket if s-daughter and g-baby were still there. I miss the baby, but enough is enough.

Third good thing, my MIL is putting her stuff in storage and going back East to visit relatives for an extended time. If I listed all the ways this woman is a nightmare, it would take me years. I just thank God that she won't be living with us, or even in the same town anymore... I have a feeling she'll move back to San Diego when she's through riding her broom all over the east coast. She is a miserable person.

Fourth good thing, MIL is paying us back for the arrangements for Pop. We paid for everything, none of the other kids or grandkids offered to help at all, and MIL said nothing about it at the time, but she gave us a check for 1/2 the cost the other day, and the other 1/2 in a couple of weeks. I'm sending it straight to the credit card company!!!

Fifth good thing, it is cooling down a little here, I can feel Fall coming. It's only been 105 the last few days! LOL!!
Seriously, I love the Fall here in the desert. It is truly coming. Soon it will be in the 70's during the day and gorgeous, and crisp at night in the 50's. I can't wait!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tomorrow's the big day!

Yep, you heard right, folks. Tomorrow is the first day of our new lives. My hubby is going to get his foot fixed! Hooray! It has been a long, painful 18 years together (longer for him), and I just know he will see a side of life that he doesn't even know exists. Pain-free. It's a miracle. As you can tell, I am very excited for him. This is a major surgery, his Dr. said his foot is about as bad as you can get. He will have a complete reconstruction, and the good news is, that he will still be able to flex his ankle. Very good news for a drummer...LOL. Anyway, I am nervous of course, it's surgery after all, but my positive feelings far out-weigh the worry. We have to check in at 8:15, and his surgery is at 10:00. They are making special arrangements to do it on a Friday, which they don't normally do surgery on Fridays, so I can have as much time with him at home as possible. We have such a great Dr. and hospital here.
I am taking next week off work, so hopefully I should have some time to blog. We will both get some much-needed rest, that's for sure. Well, we will get rest if my step-daughter and 2-year old grandson go home this weekend. Otherwise it will be chaos. She'll probably get mad and leave anyway, because I will not put up with the crap that's been going on since she came 2 weeks ago! My house is a disaster area, and she lets him run wild. I've been teaching him how to behave, and you can tell that he is relieved to have some structure and boundries! It's amazing that he's such a good kid, in spite of her and her lame boyfriend (who just lost his job). Ugh. I've been on an emotional roller-coaster for weeks now, and I think it's catching up with me. I am planning on taking a little weekend trip to see my sister when things calm down and hubby is healed enough. I need to get away!!!! Where the hell is the Calgon?! :)