Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mo' random factoids

--I have a lava lamp in my office at work. I also have San Diego Charger and Dallas Cowboys banners on my wall (the two of them playing each other last Saturday night was painful for me). I have been considering finding my life-size Jon Bon Jovi poster from the '80s and putting it on my door, just to shake things up a little bit... especially since I work with all men...LOL.

--My Betta (Siamese Fighting Fish) "Gilligan" (cuz he's my lil' buddy) died. I had him for over 3 years, I rescued him at WalMart, and he was my first pet here. I miss him.

--I am going to have to go shopping for a muumuu, before we take the boat out next time. Either that, or I will have to go fully dressed because there is no way I'm wearing a bathing suit right now, especially in front of family that's coming to visit!

--I love Hello Kitty stuff. My favorite has always been Little Twin Stars.
If I had my way, my bedroom would look like a pre-teen's. All pink and fuzzy and girly. Hubby wouldn't go for that, though...lol.

--My car is too low to the ground for me to get into easily. I need to find some way to get a van or small SUV that's higher and won't kill my back to bend down into.

--I was a cheerleader and on the flag team at different points in my life. Both were super fun!

--I can only sleep on flat pillows....and...my hair has to be covering my neck so vampires won't see it and want to bite me (my 8-year old logic has stayed with me).

--My most recurring dreams consist of flying, or my teeth falling out, or getting lost in buildings with lots of hallways and doors. I love the flying ones. I used to dream about being able to breathe underwater all the time, and then I'd wake up under the covers.

--My dream job is anything that involves helping people. I am a caretaker by nature. On the other hand, what I really want to do is work at home, or from home. I don't know if it's possible to do both.

--I pick up people's accents when they talk to me. I can't help it. I'm really good at languages too. My teachers all told me I should pursue many languages since they come easily to me, but I never did. Lately I've been thinking about learning German, though. In fact, I signed up for a free 7-day Rosetta Stone trial course in German. It's been fun!

--I don't want to be buried when I die. I am going to be cremated, and have my ashes shot up in a fireworks display! Really! I've looked into it and there is a real company that does just that! Wouldn't that be the coolest!?


Harmony said...

Oh man we have a lot in common! I have a weird fear of Vampires too! Aack..they are terrifying. I too want to be cremated...never heard of the firework thing though. Once I bought my mom an Oranda (sp?) from WalMart...I totally loved the thing, it's brain must have been fried because it would swim to the bottom back corner of the tank turn over and float to the top...it would drive my Dad nuts, he would think it was dead and go to fish it out and it would take off swimming...when it died I bawled my eyes out. The markings on it made it look like it was smiling and I have never seen another fish like it. I loved that fish...although I can't remember what my mom named it.

Anonymous said...

You could work from home/at home as a phone counsellor.
Recently I had a dream where my hair fell out. Except it was the wrong colour. I wonder if it means the same thing as the teeth falling out dream.