Friday, January 30, 2009

OMG... two posts in one week!

Yep, it's true. I'm posting today. Hubby is sick with the flu, he's been off all week (slow at work again), baby is asleep, step-daughter is watching tv, dogs are napping. I should be cleaning the house, but really, I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. I get resentful that no one really helps much to keep it up, and I am tired of being mad. It's making me sick.

Hubby (in his infinate wisdom) actually said, "Well, this is what you've been wanting for so long... to stay home and keep house!" Is he kidding me? Yes, I've been longing for years to be able to stay home and keep up the perfect house, and have dinner ready when he gets home from work, and grocery shop and all the rest. BUT... not under these circumstances. It's chaos here from sun-up to sun-down. I meant BY MYSELF. I do not do well with constant stress, noise, and confusion. I get nothing accomplished, and all I can do is think about escaping. It would actually be better if it was just the baby here. My step-daughter's presence raises the stress-level in this house to ridiculous heights. Even the baby is 1,000 times calmer when she is out doing things and I, or my hubby and I are taking care of him. It's insane.

I don't know what I'm going to do, because I really don't think I can do this much longer. Then I realize there is no end in sight, and I get very despondant about that. I keep thinking I'll get used to it, like I have so many other times about crap I've had to deal with like this, but I'm just not so sure this time. For one thing, I don't want to get used to it. That's a big difference. I tend to suck things up and just keep going. Because I want to. But I don't think I want to play that game with myself any more.
On a good note, we got a call the other day from hubby's boss (the supposed friend), who told us that the SOB foreman up and quit with no notice! We were stunned and thrilled all at the same time. I am hoping that this will make his life way easier at work, the physical part will still be hard, but at least there won't be a scumbag piece of shit on his ass all the time and turning everyone there against my hubby. We'll see how it goes, but it should be a million times better. Thank God!
I'm still not working, but am collecting unemployment for now, which oddly enough, is a tiny bit more than I was making at the bakery. It's still not enough to pay all the bills, but it's better than nothing. I have an interview next Tuesday at a Dr.'s office for part-time front desk help, and it comes with benefits too. I'm curious to see what the pay is, hours are, and bennies they include. I'm excited though!


Harmony said...

WOW I had no idea Hubby was SO ballsy...I can't believe he said that to you. LOL

It sounds like that office position would be great for you...I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!!

I sure hope your Step Daughter gets with it and starts helping out at the pesky can she get?

Harmony said...

Sorry to hear that good 'ol mother nature paid you a visit...How sucky is it, that we can rely on that every single month? I mean...where is the good in that?

I don't know what my deal is...I am just massively's hard to blog without whining about know what I mean? I think it is the weather...*shrugs*

Harmony said...

Hey Girl ~ Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you!!! Hope all is well!