Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life changes

Just when I thought things were going to get back to (semi) normal, I was laid off from work on Nov. 14th. I was shocked and very sad, as that was the perfect job for me. I went right out and applied for unemployment, which is taking 3 to 5 weeks to process here in Arizona, and then went to see my friend who owns the most popular bakery/restaraunt in our town to tell her what happened. She immediately offered me a job, and I have been working for her as a waitress and barista since the 18th. I am very lucky to have a job during these times, the job situation here is dismal at best. I like working for her a lot, and the other people there welcomed me with open arms. The only bad thing is, is that I am on my feet all day, and after having sitting down jobs for the last 16 years, my feet are ready to disown me. I am in agony by the 4th hour of my shift, and I can't afford to buy really good server shoes, so I just have to tough it out. It is very hard. VERY HARD. But at least it's fun and I feed off everyone's energy, so that helps.
Hubby's job has been very slow. His foot is continuing to do well, just sore at the end of the day, but he is trying to walk more without crutches in his boot. The Dr. says that he could be in regular sneakers by Christmas! The ulcer is continuing to heal, and it looks like he'll be good as new after all.
We had a nice Thanksgiving, our oldest daughter and her boyfriend came out to cook dinner for us all, and our good friends came out (all from San Diego) too. Our youngest daughter and her lame-ass boyfriend and our little grandson came down, and our nephew and his wife were over as well. It was loud, and fun. I am going to attempt to clean the house tomorrow, now that everyone is gone. I'm takin' it easy today, since Thursday was my only day off last week. I have today and tomorrow off, thank God.
I won't be posting as much (yeah, like I did so much before), but I will try to once a week. I will also try to stop in my favorite blogs once a week as well.
Wish me luck!


Harmony said...

Sorry to hear about the loss of your job...times like these are rough, what an awful position to be in. It must be nice working with a friend...I always enjoyed that. I bet your costumers just love you, as you seem to have a very energetic personality..I should head out and be a patron! I am super excited that your huuby's foot is on the mend..that is great. I am rooting for you guys!

Sorry..I am late to the post...but I am finally settling in. Woo Hoo!

Harmony said...

Good lawd woman! What is going on? How is hubby's foot? How are your feet? Tell me...Tell me..Tell me!

Okay...I know I am not the picture perfect blogger, I am always leaving big holes in my periods of blogging, but to be honest, I expect more from others than I do give in, and blog...will ya?!

Harmony said...

Hey I tagged you...come on over and take a look!

My word verification: Mouse